
军事 Spouses and Dependents


You must be the son, daughter, or spouse of:

  • 因服役伤残而死亡或永久残疾的退伍军人. The disability must arise out of active service in the Armed Forces.
  • 在这种永久性和完全与服役有关的残疾存在的情况下,因任何原因死亡的退伍军人.
  • A servicemember missing in action or captured in line of duty by a hostile force.
  • 被外国政府或政权强制拘留或拘禁的服役人员.
  • 因与服务有关的永久和完全残疾而住院或接受门诊治疗并可能因该残疾而出院的服务人员.


如果您是子女,并希望获得上学或工作培训的福利, you must be between the ages of 18 and 26. 在某些情况下,有可能在18岁之前开始,并在26岁之后继续. Marriage is not a bar to this benefit. 如果你是在武装部队,你可能不会得到这个福利,而在现役. 为了在服兵役后继续训练,你不能在不光彩的情况下退伍. 退伍军人事务部可以延长你的服役期,延长的月数和天数等于你服役期的时间. 这个延长通常不能超过你的31岁生日,有一些例外.

如果你是配偶, 从退伍军人事务部认定你符合资格之日或退伍军人死亡之日起10年届满. 如果退伍军人事务部将退伍军人评定为永久和完全残疾,生效日期为退伍之日起3年,其配偶在生效日期起20年内仍有资格. This change is effective October 10, 2008 and no benefits may be paid for any training taken prior to that date.


If you are applying for the Chapter 35 Survivors and Dependents Educational Assistance Program (联邦福利) for the first time:

  1. 完成 退伍军人的应用程序. If you prefer a paper application, 联系位于招生办公室的VHCC退伍军人官员或致电(276)739-2460.
  2. 网上申请, complete and submit the application, and then print a copy of the application for the VHCC 退伍军人 Officer.
  3. Active Duty 退伍军人 should submit a copy of their DD-214 (Discharge Form); and National Guard and Reservist should submit a copy of their NOBE (Notice of Basic 资格 Form, which your Unit should have). 一定要提交其他必要的文件,比如踢球合同.
  4. Once you have enrolled in your classes, submit a Certification Request for VA Educational Benefits 表格交给VHCC退伍军人官员,他们将向地区退伍军人管理办公室证明你的注册情况,以便处理. This process usually takes the regional office approximately 30 days; however, 在高峰期, processing can take up to ten weeks.
  5. If you are a new student at VHCC or have not attended in the past three years, you will also need to complete the VHCC Admissions Application.
  6. 如果你以前就读过任何学院或大学(弗吉尼亚社区学院除外), submit official college transcript(s) and a completed VHCC Transcript Evaluation Request form to the VHCC 退伍军人 Officer.

If you have received VA education assistance at VHCC previously:

  1. 联系位于招生办公室的VHCC退伍军人官员或致电(276)739-2460.
  2. Once you have enrolled in your classes, submit aCertification Request for VA Educational Benefits 表格交给VHCC退伍军人官员,他们将向地区退伍军人管理办公室证明你的注册情况,以便处理. This process usually takes the regional office approximately 30 days; however, 在高峰期, processing can take up to ten weeks.
  3. 如果你在过去三年内没有参加过VHCC,你还需要完成 VHCC Admissions Application.
  4. 如果你在上次参加VHCC后还参加过任何学院或大学(弗吉尼亚社区学院除外), submit official college transcript(s) and a completed VHCC Transcript Evaluation Request form to the VHCC 退伍军人 Officer.
  5. If switching your college, attending more than one college in any given semester, 或请求更改授权学期(包括请求暑期学校授权), 请填写 弗吉尼亚军事幸存者和家属教育计划(VMSDEP)免责声明 form.


  1. 填写家属更改课程、地点或培训申请表格 VA表格22-5495.
  2. Print the Change of Program or Place of 培训 form.
  3. 在表格上签字.
  4. Submit the form to the VHCC 退伍军人 Officer located in the Admissions Office.
  5. Once you have enrolled in your classes, submit a Certification Request for VA Educational Benefits 表格交给VHCC退伍军人官员,他们将向地区退伍军人管理办公室证明你的注册情况,以便处理. This process usually takes the regional office approximately 30 days; however, 在高峰期, processing can take up to ten weeks.
  6. If you are a new student at VHCC or have not attended in the past three years, you will also need to complete the VHCC Admissions Application.
  7. Submit official college transcripts and a completed VHCC Transcript Evaluation Request form to the VHCC 退伍军人 Officer.
  8. If switching your college, attending more than one college in any given semester, 或请求更改授权学期(包括请求暑期学校授权), 请填写 弗吉尼亚军事幸存者和家属教育计划(VMSDEP)免责声明 form.

To 应用 for the Virginia 军事 Survivors and Dependents Education Program:

  1. 完成 Virginia 军事 Survivors and Dependents Program (VMSDEP) 在线申请. If you would prefer a paper application, 联系位于招生办公室的VHCC退伍军人官员或致电(276)739-2460.
  2. In most cases, eligibility will be determined using documentation from the U.S. Department of 退伍军人 Affairs (federal). 然而, 弗吉尼亚州退伍军人服务部(州)可以要求退伍军人或未亡配偶提供证明居住或申请人年龄或关系的文件. 州所得税记录、出生证明和/或结婚证通常就足够了. VMSDEP applications are accepted year round. 然而, 你应该在学期开始前至少30天提交你的VMSDEP申请,以确保你的资格信及时发出.
  3. 一旦学生收到VMSDEP资格信,将其提交给VHCC退伍军人官员.
  4. Also, be sure to complete the requirements for the Chapter 35 Survivors and Dependents Educational Assistance Program (联邦福利). 
  5. If you are a new student at VHCC or have not attended in the past three years, you will need to complete the VHCC Admissions Application.
  6. 如果你以前就读过任何学院或大学(弗吉尼亚社区学院除外), submit official college transcript(s) and a completed VHCC Transcript Evaluation Request Form to the VHCC 退伍军人 Officer.
  7. If you qualify for CHAMPVA medical benefits, 在将CHAMPVA福利扩展到18至23岁的学生之前,VHCC退伍军人官员必须提交一份证明全日制入学(每学期至少注册12个学分)的信件. To request this letter, contact the VHCC 退伍军人 Officer each semester.


Department of 退伍军人 服务 - 退伍军人 Benefits  

Virginia Department of 退伍军人 服务
Veteran Education, 培训 & 就业

900 East Main Street, Sixth Floor, West Wing

My Career Advancement Account (MyCAA) Scholarship Program - http://aiportal.acc.af.mil/mycaa 

军人配偶职业发展帐户奖学金-帮助配偶追求更高的教育- 简报
The MyCAA Scholarship is a workforce development program that provides up to $4,000 of tuition assistance to eligible military spouses. The scholarship helps military spouses pursue licenses, 证书, certifications or associate degrees necessary to gain employment in high demand, high growth portable career fields and occupations. 配偶可以在任何被批准参加MyCAA奖学金的学术机构使用他们的MyCAA资金.   

Who is eligible for the MyCAA Scholarship?
Spouses of service members on active duty in pay grades E-1 to E-5, W-1到W-2和O-1到O-2,他们可以在他们的军事赞助商在第10条军事命令下开始和完成他们的课程, 包括国民警卫队和预备役人员的配偶

What will MyCAA pay for?
MyCAA奖学金支付获得副学士学位(不包括通识类副学士学位)的教育、培训课程和考试费用, Liberal Arts and Interdisciplinary Studies that do not have a concentration). The scholarship also covers the costs for obtaining a license, certificate or certification at an accredited college, 美国大学或技术学校或经批准的测试机构,为军人配偶扩大就业或便携式职业机会.

How to establish a MyCAA Account
Spouses can visit the MyCAA Spouse Portal online at http://aiportal.acc.af.mil/mycaa and provide the required Spouse Profile information. 实时DEERS资格检查将确认配偶是否符合MyCAA资格要求. Once confirmed, spouses can move forward and establish a MyCAA Account. Those who do not pass this check will be provided additional guidance.

Where to get additional information or assistance?
Call a SECO Career Counselor at 800-342-9647.  Counselors are available Monday through Friday 7 a.m. 到10点.m. 美国东部时间星期六上午10点.m. 到5点.m. EST- If a spouse already has an established  MyCAA Account, 使用消息框功能作为接收信息和帮助的最快方式. 

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